Read the proposals we received below!
Read the proposals we received below!
For Giant Steps, I put my womb on the Moon. Conception is a physiological triumph of form, a magic that defies all odds, the foundation of existence itself. Women possess within them one of the most resilient environments ever created, the ur-womb of known animal life. And we suffer greatly for it.
Throughout history, the Moon has represented the feminine. That’s no coincidence. Before modern society, entire communities of women would menstruate together along with the Moon’s cycle. This natural process has inspired ceremonies, art, song, emotions and power. It has also been subject to demonization and ostracization. Still, women are sent to Moon huts when they menstruate, they are viewed as unclean. Unspeakable things, acts of monstrous and necessarily isolated violence, have been enacted when they’re away from their families; all under the guise of safety.
Currently tens of thousands of women are facing hysterectomies due to an unsafe sterilization procedure approved by the FDA. Once again my uterus is in Congress. Once again my health is at risk because of the systems that are supposed to protect me. How can we have interplanetary travel yet such little regard for the vessels that carry our legacy? How have we progressed from the society that took us to the Moon in 1969? Let’s take it back, establish a technological age that embraces the self-evident truth of our biology.
By placing my uterus on the moon I’d like to reclaim this rock and carve out a new, fundamentally matriarchal space for women. This 2 x 2 ft. monument will establish our legacy by eliminating nations and giving women something they deserve: unadulterated space.
Cargo: glass and silver sculpture
Cargo Weight: 60 kg
Budget: $45,000
1 – Your work on the Moon must be achievable by you and one assisting astronaut. Subcontractors and other third parties may assist in your preparations, operations and execution from Earth, but only the artist and assisting astronaut will be present on the Moon.
2 – The full payload of your supplies and materials to the moon cannot exceed 6 cubic feet and weigh no more than 60KG. Your return payload cannot exceed 5KG.
3 – No explosives, toxic substances, or hazardous materials may be included in said payload. Batteries and/or solar powered equipment are permissible.
4 – Artist, or artist groups may include installation, sculpture, performance, dance, film, moon works or mixed media.
5 – The resident artist and assisting astronaut will have a total of twelve hours outside the craft, on the surface of the moon. This time will be divided into three
4 hour intervals maximum. Total duration of Moon residency will be 48 hours.
6 – Artists may use existing material on the moon (such as rocks and dust) and are expected to leave their supplies and/or artwork on the moon.
7 – The budget for supplies and materials for your proposed project cannot exceed $500,000.00 US dollars.
8 – Artist and artist groups must take into consideration the temperature, gravitational force and other atmospheric conditions of the Moon. We recommend using Wikipedia for general information and consulting with scientists, engineers and physicists to verify the plausibility of your proposal. Proposals that do not consider the scientific and atmospheric conditions on the moon will not be included in the exhibition.
9 – The landing site of the craft will be in the lunar equatorial regions, near side of the Moon, during the lunar mid-morning.
10 – The winning proposal will be based upon originality, conceptual strength, and technical feasibility. Please view these parameters as though the winning proposal were indeed going to be executed.